
Sunday, October 21, 2012

Another New Computer lab

Twenty more computers arrived this week from our friends in Spain at Foundation Corazonista. We cannot thank them enough for their friendship and help. The computers are being set up in a classroom that will be used by our new Technical School. The classroom was renovated and the new furniture was provided by our school in Rome, Cristo Rei.

Students will be given an introductory course this week so they may become familiar with the computer and formal computer classes will begin next school year in January. 
Resident students help Br. Angel unload the 20 new computers

Unpacking begins

Then it's time to test

This week the students will get a quick introduction course

More Birthdays & End of Year Celebration

It's hard to believe we are already at the end of the school year. Next week the students will take final exams and then we will be on break until the middle of January. Last night we celebrated the end of the year by honoring our 22 birthday boys from September until December. A great feast was offered by our cooks along with cake and cold drinks. Afterwards the students put on a special thanks for the brothers and then it was time for singing and dancing.

Marcos leads the dancing after the cutting of the cake.

Br. Angel joins in on the line dancing.

The 22 birthday are celebrated in traditional fashion.

The cutting of the cake is an honored tradition

The feast is prepared...

...and then enjoyed by all.

Amatongas Farm Continues to Grow

We had been hearing people talk for over a year about some land the mission could use for farming. Little did we know that it was located in a valley next to a small river which even now after 6 months of no rain still has water. Once we realized its great potential we couldn't hesitate and started clearing and plowing immediately to get it ready for the rainy season. After 6 weeks of hard work we now have planted 5 hectares of corn (12.5 acres) and 1 hectare of beans (2.5 acres). This farm is about 5 kilometers from the mission down a rough dirt road, but well worth the trip. There is a great possibility we could expand more next year to maybe as much as 10-12 hectares. As you see, the importance of acquiring a tractor has increased greatly.

Our farms are an essential means of providing sustainability for our future, both as food for the boarders and income for the mission. Please pray for rain especially during these critical two weeks after planting. Adding these 6 hectares to the 5 hectares near the school, should if all goes well, help us immensely next year.

Standing here with some of the local kids near the new farm. 
We rented a tractor to disc and grade.
It cost a great deal, but much needed.

Our water source we plan to use for irrigation
during the next dry season for year round planting

Br. Fabian with the local children.
They enjoyed running after the tractor and catching mice.
The huts in the background will be used
by a family to provide extra security at the farm.

Our boarders take a Saturday to help plant over 100 Kgs of corn.
They will be eating this corn in about 4 months!!!

Boarders enjoyed lunch cooked out at the farm. A great adventure.

400 Youth Attend Meeting in Amatongas

 A few weeks ago Mission Amatongas was honored to host over 400 young people from around our diocese, the largest diocese in Mozambique. The overnight event began with a rosary walk which lead into a Mass in our Immaculate Conception parish church. The enthusiastic young people were supposed to sleep in the classrooms in our school, but I don't think anyone slept at all. The entire night was filled with prayer and much singing and dancing.

Opening Mass in the church

Skits lasted into the night

Prayer under the stars

Two of our boarders who participated

Closing liturgy the next morning and the kids still have energy