
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Mass with the Bishop at Santa Clara

The Bishop of the Diocese of Chimoio, the famous Bishop Francisco Silota, began his pastoral visit to our parish this week. During his visit he takes the time to celebrate Mass at one of the many satellite rural churches within the parish. Today our three volunteers joined the Bishop and the priests of the parish at the Community of Santa Clara, about 20 kilometers north of Amatongas.

The church at the Community of Santa Clara

Bishop Francisco Silota

No stained windows, marble floors, or statues.
Just great spirit.
There's something about mass in a rustic church with people who live in houses built in a similar fashion. Nothing against the big multi-million dollar cathedrals, but the spirit in this church can't be beat. Though the differences are startling, it must be said that the same body, blood, soul, and divinity of Christ is present in each. It saddens me when I read more and more about the many problems people have with how mass is celebrated and under what conditions. The great love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus reaches out to all and through all. I was blessed today to experience his love at Santa Clara.

In this church there's no lack of dancing, clapping and singing.

Our volunteers with the Bishop

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Volunteers Arrive in Amatongas

Our three volunteers from Baton Rouge, La landed at the Beira airport yesterday and hit the ground running as the poor picture below demonstrates. After a 41 hour journey and an adventurous ride down the rough EN6 highway Lindsey, Kelsey, and Matt joined our boarders in time for supper. They will be working in Amatongas for the next two weeks teaching health classes in the primary school, tutoring our students in English and helping in the many tasks around the mission. Thanks to our three volunteers and for all those who helped them get here. We couldn't do the work here without the help from many generous people. We are truly blessed and thank God everyday.

Why I need a new camera.
The 3 volunteers walk from the plane to terminal.

The 3 stars arrive in Mozambique

Volunteers are read a letter of welcome...
...and then they're treated to dancing and singing, of course.

Matt Adler enjoying supper with the students. 

Lindsey Mouton learning some portuguese.
Kelsey Schexnayder returns to Amatongas
for a 2nd volunteer experience.

Friday, May 23, 2014

New Classroom Block Dedicated at Primary School

Just one of our little side projects. Last month the new classroom block at the primary school just across the street from our school was officially dedicated. The ceremony included government officials, school administrators, teacher and students. Br. Angel was the official representative of the Brothers of the Sacred Heart. Many thanks go to the Foundation Corazonistas in Spain for providing the majority of funding for this project. The four classrooms with new desks were much needed since the elementary school was using some of our classrooms. We now free up three classrooms which can be used for our students.

Four new classrooms with new desks were dedicated.

Br. Angel with other dignitaries

The ceremony draws a crowd... 
...of all ages.

And of course there was much dancing and singing

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Novo Galinhas de Ovos

150 new laying hens arrived in Amatongas after a very long journey thanks to the students, teachers and others at St. Stanislaus High School in Bay St. Louis, MS. Please read the article here about the efforts of the SSC family and their sacrifices to help us in Amatongas. We can't thank everyone at SSC enough for all your efforts. You truly are the "School of Character".

The new Layers are purchased at "point of lay", 18 weeks old when they begin laying eggs. They must be purchased in Zimbabwe because there's no way of getting them in Mozambique. The eggs will be used to feed our 108 boarding students and any left overs will be sold to the local people.

Layers in Zimbabwe raised 5 to a cage

Packed and transported in boxes

The hens arrived late at night after a long journey

Students begin unpacking

The hens finally in their new home