
Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Mission Amatongas Article in Vision Vocation Guide

Starting over from scratch

By Carol Schuck Scheiber. Photos courtesy of the Brothers of the Sacred Heart with special thanks to Brother Chris Sweeney, S.C. Moving from New Orleans to Mozambique was dramatic enough. But for Brother Chris Sweeney, S.C. rebuilding an abandoned school out of the ashes of civil war has made life really interesting.

Click on the link below to read full article in Vision

Miles for Moz Race Swag - Amatongas Style

How's this for race swag? It just can't get any better. Sign up to run or walk for Miles for Moz at the Louisiana Marathon, raise $250 with crowdrise and you will receive this one of a kind, hand made in Amatongas shirt. Since I'm coming in for Christmas, I'll be delivering the shirts myself. However, in order to get these for Christmas, you need to register by December 1, 2014. You can register to run the Full, Half, Quarter, 5K, or Kids Marathon. Here are the links: 
Crowdrise Fundraising:
Menes models our "Made in Amatongas" shirt

Fundraising Websites - Crowdrise

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

New Gas Kitchen thanks to Manos Unidas

Thanks to our wonderful friends at Manos Unidas we have a new kitchen. No more cooking on the floor over a wood fire. In addition to the two new burners we were able to purchase a new industrial vent, pots and utensils as well as a beautiful new sink and table to prepare and store meals. We are indeed blessed to have Manos Unidas on our side. The kitchen also received a new floor, new windows and paint, though it could use another coat or 10 to cover the years of black soot.

Our wonderful cooks, two special ladies loving their new home.

New gas powered cookers with new pots as well.
Gas tanks

New deep sink, even the cat loves.
 Our baker is happy as well because we now have an electric oven. He now can bake 500 rolls a day, but in half the time.
Our baker loves his new electric oven.

Over 500 rolls a day