
Friday, October 29, 2010

"Tanto Faz"(Whatever)- You know, a variety

                                        Thanks to the efforts of a friend of mine, Nurmi, I have a new graphic for the blog. He's also a writer so you should check out his books at his website. Anyway, he was able to incorporate the colors of the Mozambique flag, map of Africa and also the most important part of the flag, the book (certainly not the AK-47). The Mozambique Government has been emphasizing education so it's important to have the book as the focus. Of course, the cross with the heart, a symbol of the Brothers of the Sacred Heart and our motto "Ametur Cor Jesu", Love be the Heart of Jesus, are also included.

Br. Nicholas Geisenberg, SC

                   At the age of 98, Br. Nick died on Friday, October 29. A true brother, he entered our community in 1932 and spent 54 years working at our schools in New Orleans. Though small in stature, Br. Nick was always the center of attention anytime he entered a room and was indeed loved by many. Please refer to the Brother Martin High School website for more details and arrangements. RIP

            Click here for the blog of the Misioneros de Guadalupe. (The blog is in Spanish, so you may need a translator. But, they do have some nice pictures and videos) These dedicated priests serve the parish and school in Amatongas. We will be working closely with these men.
            The picture on the left, taken from their blog, is the front view of the church, the best I've seen so far. The school is located just to the right of the church. Looks pretty nice.

                Finalmente (see everyone can speak a little Portuguese), I thought I would share just a few pictures from around Marilia, some unique things a little at a time. As I've said before, I walk to school everyday, so one day I took some pictures of my journey. It just seemed strange to me that there was trash all over, even hanging from the trees. Eventually, I would see the trash men coming around in their bright orange suits to pick the bags up. Just seemed strange to this stupid Americano. 
Bags to be picked up, see bags on the next tree as well.

In front of many houses there is a metal trash holder


  1. Hello Chris!!!! como vai? I hope all is well!!!!! Feliz Natal!!!!!!!

  2. really an eye opener for me.

    - Robson
