
Friday, January 21, 2011

10 days

        It is so hard for me to believe I leave for Mozambique in just 10 days. To say time flies would be a huge understatement. Why am I stressing over this so much? I have been to Africa enough to know what to expect; the living conditions, climate and culture. Maybe it's the article below on flooding in Mozambique. Maybe I just don't want to forget that one little item I know would make life a little easier, but I know it's impossible to get in Moz. Perhaps it's leaving the comforts of American culture I have taken for granted so much. Then again, maybe I know deep down that it's not about any of that, it's really about putting all of my faith in the God who calls me to do what I don't think I'm capable. However, I know the true reason for the anxiety is leaving family, brothers and friends for a few years.

        This past month has been a true blessing and I hope all of you realize how much I love you. In order to do this it has truly taken the support of so many people. Perhaps there is a lesson in all this. I keep returning to the words of Jesus in Matthew 18 "Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children..."; to be totally dependent, completely joyful, forgiving, energetic, living life one minute at a time. Yes, perhaps that is the call for all of us. 

Nation Prepares for Worst Floods in 10 Years

         Don't forget to subscribe to this blog. Just scroll down and type in your e-mail on the left. You will receive regular updates to this blog. From now on they should be coming quite regularly as long as I have internet access in Mozambique.

         Also, the big race, "Miles for Moz", is in 8 days. Go to this website to register and find out more.

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