
Friday, May 11, 2012

Birthdays, Soccer and Farm Update

Every two months we take time out to celebrate our resident students birthdays in a special way. Last week we celebrated 12 birthdays with cake, soft drinks and the always special Mardi Gras beads.
Happy Birthday to our April and May birthdays

All you really need is a coke for a party
Birthday boys sporting Mardi Gras beads

The birthday boys love the beads so much
that they wear them for weeks after

The brothers help sponsor the hugely anticipated soccer league that began play last week and will continue for the next few months. Our resident students are wearing new uniform tops provided by our community of brothers in Brazil.
Resident student soccer teams with uniforms donated from Brazil

Our soccer field
 We began harvesting the beans on the farm last week. This process will take a few weeks to complete and hopefully provide enough beans for the remainder of the year and maybe even some to sell at the market.
Our beans close to harvest
 Our new vegetable garden showed its first benefits to the resident student dinning table this past week. We are presently growing tomato's, cabbages, onions, and something like collared greens/spinach called "couve". This great addition to the farm will hopefully save us much money and time spent buying these items every day.
New vegetable garden

Our latest goat

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