Four swings were finally added to the playground |
Boarders enjoying soccer on the basketball court
Expanding the farm and doubling the size from last year |
Yes, this part of Africa does have an annual dry season, but this is getting a little out of hand. I have been saying for the last few weeks that it hasn't rained in three months, so I can make that four months now I guess. I could use that as my excuse for not posting an update for a while. I was just waiting for the rains to come. Unfortunately, that is a terrible excuse and who knows when it will rain again.
Speaking of the rain, or lack of it, the dry weather has really caused many difficulties around here. Our 20 year old bore hole and 50 year old water tank is on its last leg. The security guard can only turn the pump on two hours at a time, letting it rest the next two hours, because the water level has to return to sufficient level for the pump to operate. We have been trying to find a better water source with very little luck. Water is now being rationed. I also hear the women are lining up at 4:00 AM to pump water for their family each day.
The Old Bore Hole struggles to keep up with demand |
We found this old, dry bore hole site in our vegetable garden |
This 50 year old tank also struggling and has many leaks |
Drillers attempt to find water twice with no luck |
Our first big litter of 10 piglets
I'm sorry to hear about the dryness. It sure wasn't dry the one day we chose to go on that safari! So glad to hear about a successful litter of little pigs! I know you must be so proud! My prayers and love go out to everyone there!
I'm excited to see the second set of swings up and even more excited to see that entire playground is still standing! I hope the water shortage ends soon. Keeping everyone in my thoughts.
Research shows that conditioning and learning also play a role in anxiety disorders: Classical conditioning: People can acquire anxiety responses, especially phobias, through classical conditioning and then maintain them through operant conditioning. A neutral stimulus becomes associated with anxiety by being paired with an anxiety-producing stimulus. After this classical conditioning process has occurred, a person may begin to avoid the conditioned anxiety-producing stimulus. This leads to a decrease in anxiety, which reinforces the avoidance through an operant conditioning process. For example, a near drowning experience might produce a phobia of water. Avoiding oceans, pools, and ponds decreases anxiety about water and reinforces the behavior of avoidance. buy Diazepam online order generic Valium Diazepam online. Depersonalization (feeling outside yourself or like you don't exist). Depersonalization, like derealization is your mind's attempt to focus you on fighting a real threat during the anxiety response. I would stand at the bathroom basin, holding its sides, staring into the mirror, knowing my personal details but not recognizing the person reflected in the mirror. But, what you must understand is that when in the anxiety response, you're not meant to be looking at yourself in the mirror, you are meant to be fighting the tiger... in anxiety disorders, no tiger is present so the anxiety response is redundant and depersonalization feels uncomfortable, frightening and upsetting. I know, I've been there. AS I said numerous times above, this all changes once we help you to eliminate the core anxiety that causes all of these symptoms. A complete list of symptoms and the medical explanations of each is also available in the Linden Method which is included with all our programs. [url=http://diazepamonlinebuy.com/#832014-diazepam-online-medication]order Valium online no prescription[/url]. Other medications sometimes used to treat panic disorder include: serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), another class of antidepressant; antiseizure drugs; benzodiazepines (commonly used as tranquilizers) including diazepam or clonazepam; monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), another type of antidepressant that is used infrequently because it can cause serious side effects.