
Thursday, February 21, 2013

Resident Students Return

Our 54 resident students returned to school a few weeks ago and are doing well. They are very happy with the quality and quantity of food we serve to them. Our menu varies each day from chicken, pork, fish, couve (Spinach), and is served with the staple of the African diet around the continent Massa, ground corn that's boiled similar to cooking grits back home in Louisiana. Of the 54 resident students 25 are orphans from the local area. We now have a long waiting list of students wanting to live in our dorm and we are awaiting funds to begin counstruction in order to expand to 100 students.

Br. Angel entertains even the little ones

Residents organizing supper

A little gravy is always good on Massa

Five hundred meters of fencing is presently being installed around our front farm. This was seen as an urgent need to prevent the local animals from eating anything we tried to grow. The goats, pigs, cows and monkies have loved eating from our farm. Thanks to Manos Unidas in Spain for providing us with this fencing.
New fencing going up around front farm

Pathway to the school

Pathway to the school before

 Random Photos from the area
Storks near the chicken farm

A very large vulture

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