
Sunday, July 14, 2013

Primary School Families Working Together

Families of present students gather together on the weekends
There are many primary schools close by that feed our secondary school population. One primary school is just across the street from us and we actually have some primary classes being held in our school because of overcrowding. However, that can't continue as we continue to grow and need all the space we can find. This past month a plan was set into place to build a new classroom block at the primary school across the street. It was pretty incredible to see the families come together to begin the process of making bricks from scratch out of mud and sand nearby.
Bricks are formed two at a time

Women gather to feed the workers

25,000 to 30,000 bricks will be needed for the new classroom block

10,000 at a time are dried and cooked in the huge kiln

Primary students in their present classroom with no windows

However, they do have books and dedicated teachers

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