
Monday, March 3, 2014

First Senior Class

The first senior class began the school year in new classrooms built over the holidays in December and January. We transformed an old parish youth center into two classrooms for the 11th and 12th grades using money saved by the brothers in community over the past three years. A drop ceiling was installed to reduce heat, new desks were purchased, new paint applied, a new entry way installed with a door and awning, and additional windows were installed to improve lighting and ventilation.

Seniors busy at work in their new classroom

View of the junior and senior classroom
building from the brothers residence

Students enjoying a break outside the library

Morning assembly, flag raising and national anthem
Our library gets used all day every day. Students can check out resource books or text books and make copies of class materials. The study room is always filled with students.
Students using the study room in the library

Students checking out books in the library

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