
Sunday, August 10, 2014

Let the Lights Shine

The lights are on in Amatongas thanks to a few generous donors and much patience.

I'll begin this series of posts with one of the most important additions to our campus, a generator. Because of the many problems with electricity since January in central Mozambique our power supply has been cut off more often than it's on. We have been needing a solution for some time. A huge thank you goes out to the family of Br. Noel Lemmon, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Toups and a combination of many others for providing the significant funds to purchase and install this big generator. We now can power the entire campus when the lights go out, a very important thing since we have school at night.
Our new generator...

...just a big tractor motor, but a whole lot more.
 While I was in the U.S. for a few weeks our vegetable gardens continued to grow. We are now harvesting cabbage, tomato, and onion.
Some of our orphans staying with us during the holidays picking cabbage

The cabbages garden
 I was home in Louisiana for a few weeks visiting family, brothers and some of our sponsors. It was a great trip, just a little short this time.
Some of my family in Louisiana, the tall skinny little brother
and his clan at a triathlon for kids.

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