We finished planting over 2 hectares of corn yesterday, about 6-7 acres. This project completes months of hard work clearing land and getting it ready for planting. Thanks again to the Catholic High Class of 1984 for providing the funds to pay workers, buy seeds and rent the tractor. This most important project will hopefully provide enough food to help feed our boarders next school year, feed our pigs and chickens and possibly have enough to sell in the market. Once again this Sustainable Support Project (SSP's) is just one project supported by the CHS '84 class that will provide the school with support far into the future. Thanks also to Br. Fabian for helping to lead this project. Now we pray for rain and sun, rain and sun, rain and sun!
Br. Fabian (right) plants corn in the front field. |
The Back Field cleared and plowed adding another 4 acres of corn |
We helped the family below move into a new residence next to our pig house. All of their belongings (five bags of corn, a suit case of clothes and a bag of pots) and the family of 7 piled into the back of our Land Cruiser for the short trip to the mission. Their new residence has electricity, new doors and a new roof, also provided by the SSP's by the way. They will provide much needed security for the back of the mission as well help take care of the animals.
Zeca and family on moving day |
Thanks to Br. Angel for doing much of the work in the newly renovated bathrooms, which we hope will open next week. Below he is shown finishing up the painting.
Br. Angel finishes up painting of renovated student bathroom |
One of eight new toilets installed |
In one previous post I mentioned about the burning going on everywhere. I was finally able to get a decent picture with my little camera.
Proof of "The Burn Season" (see previous post) |
On our travels to get supplies we see many crazy things and wish we had a camera. Here is a common sight, people using any mode of transportation available to get to and from the big markets in the city
Getting to the market any way possible |
Finally, we can add one more member of the mission, another kid-goat joined us Tuesday. This picture was snapped just minutes after birth. Mother doesn't seem to be too concerned and just keeps eating. For all those keeping count, we now have 4 pigs, 5 goats, 2 dogs and more chickens than we can count.
Another baby born in Amatongas |
We are waiting for the painting to be completed on our newly renovated residence closer to the school so we can move in. We thank the parish for letting us use two of their guest houses for the past 8 months. However, we are very much looking forward to moving closer to the action.
FYI: I'm sorry for this delayed post. It took me almost a week to put together due to bad internet connections. One time I lost two hours of work uploading pictures. Yes, we are still looking for decent internet.
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